Deskripsi produk: - introduce toddlers to their ABCs with these LEGO DUPLO alphabet bricks that inspire creative building, imaginative play and alphabet learning, all in one alphabet truck-full of imaginative fun! - As toddlers stack LEGO DUPLO letter bricks onto the truck, they improve their fine motor skills, become familiar with the letters of the alphabet, and soon learn to spell basic words like F-U-N! - Includes 26 LEGO DUPLO letter bricks, each with a letter from the English alphabet, 10 assorted LEGO Bricks, and a LEGO DUPLO truck - With its cute characters and colorful, easy-to-handle bricks, this educational LEGO toddlers’ toy makes a great holiday, birthday or any-other-day gift for boys and girls ages 18 months and up
Wajib Dibaca Sebelum Membeli : Kerusakan, kehilangan dan keterlambatan paket adalah wewenang tanggung jawab ekpedisi sepenuhnya. Kami seller memastikan bahwa produk dipacking dalam kondisi baik dan sudah dicek terlebih dahulu. Kami tidak menerima pengembalian dana/barang. Barang yang kami kirim sudah kami cek sebelum dikirim.
Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915Lego Duplo My First Alphabet Truck 10915