LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B

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Detail LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B

Informasi Produk Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B

Lens Hood with 58mm petal-shape (Screw Mount) is designed for the internal focusing (IF) optical camera lens. This lens hood main function is to shade the lens from stray light, improving your contrast and image quality. But it will also protects the front barrel from the inevitable impacts against walls, door frames, and other real-life obstacles
This following are features of Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) :
58mm petal-shaped hood. Petalshape hood extends the effective depth, thus it can maximize the suppression of the halo generation. Inner diameter : 58mm. Smooth outside and mate inside finish. Provides protection from unwanted light flares and from accidental physical damage.

Spesifikasi Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B

Lain-lain Suitable For All Film SLR Cameras And Digital SLR Cameras
:) .

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• Senin s/d Minggu 08.00 s/d 19.00 WIB
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Gambar produk

LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B
LCKMNOFFCL Ikacha Lens Hood for Cameras 58mm (Screw Mount) - EW-73B