Lampu LED interior kabin plafon mobil lemari emergency sensor sentuh usb rechargeable
Lampu LED interior kabin plafon mobil lemari emergency sensor sentuh usb rechargeable
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Otomotif > Aksesoris Interior Mobil > Aksesoris Interior Mobil Lainnya > Lampu LED interior kabin plafon mobil lemari emergency sensor sentuh usb rechargeable
Detail Lampu LED interior kabin plafon mobil lemari emergency sensor sentuh usb rechargeable
Video perkenalan produk Lampu LED interior kabin plafon mobil lemari emergency sensor sentuh usb rechargeable. Sumber: Shopee.
Lampu LED Kabin/ Emergency Light High Quality Stok Ready... Boleh langsung order.
Touch Sensor Rechargeable Bisa dilepas untuk dijadikan sebagai lampu baca/senter/penerangan ditempat yang diinginkan.
Tidak bikin aki mobil soak akibat kelupaan matikan lampu plafon mobil.
Battery life: more than 500 recharges Input voltage: 5V Features: MINI is small and easy to install, touch switch Battery capacity: 120mA Lighting time: 1.5h Charging time: 40 minutes
Kelengkapan: 1x Touch SENSOR LED Light 1x high bond Double tape 1x kabel USB