lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps
lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps
Deskripsi singkat
Elektronik > Lampu > Bohlam > lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps
Detail lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps
Video perkenalan produk lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps. Sumber: Shopee.
Lampu LED Smart E27 9W with PIR Sensor Warna Putih<<=== Harap untuk membaca deskripsi produk sebelum belanja di Maximumway
Lampu ini akan menyala secara otomatis saat mendeteksi orang bergerak. Jadi Anda tidak perlu mematikan dan menghidupkan lampu dengan menekan saklar listrik. Lampu menyala saat Anda masuk ke ruangan tersebut dan mati saat tidak ada orang.Fitur Sensor Gerak PIR Lampu menyala otomatis saat mendeteksi orang bergerak dan akan mati secara otomatis jika tidak ada orang. Penghematan Energi Super Hemat penggunaan listrik dengan lampu ini, karena lampu tidak akan menyala saat tidak digunakan. Jangka Waktu Hidup Lama Lampu dapat digunakan dalam jangka waktu yang lama hingga 50.000 jam penggunaan. Kelengkapan ProdukBarang-barang yang Anda dapat dalam kotak produk: 1 x Lampu LED Smart E27 9W with PIR Sensor.
Spesifikasi Lampu LED Smart E27 9W with PIR Sensor Tipe LED : SMD5730 Voltase : AC 85-265V, 50/60Hz, universal Daya / Power : 9W Material : PP Dimensi : 13.3 x 7.8 cm Lain-lain : Base: E27 screw Detection Range:
Gambar produk
lampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lampslampu bohlam LED dengan sensor gerak 220V Lampu bohlam LED Smart E27 9W with PIR SensorPIR Motion Sensor LED Bulb E27 Lamp 5W 7W 9W 110V 220V Led Light Induction Bulb Stair Hallway Night Light Corridor Lamps