Label Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak Kue
Label Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak Kue
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Buku & Alat Tulis > Buku Tulis & Kertas > Label & Stiker > Label Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak Kue
Detail Label Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak Kue
Label Sticker Kemasan Baking Tools Decoration Packaging Cantik Stiker Handmade With Love Pink Seal Sealer
untuk menyegel tas plastik Kemasan Cookies, Botol Jar, kotak / kardus / Box kue, amplop dan packaging lainnya. Dapat juga digunakan untuk menghias permen DIY, pops cake, tas kue atau kotak hadiah.
Jenis: Stiker Seal Bentuk : Bulat ( sudah bentuk bulat ya, tinggal tempel saja ) Diameter 3.8cm
Kualitas Sticker bagus sekali ya kak
Gambar produk
Label Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak KueLabel Sticker Kemasan Handmade With Love Pink Baking Tools Decoration Seal Sealer Packaging Cantik Sticker Handmade With Love Sticker Hampers Sticker Kotak Kue