Korset Spinal Brace Oppo 2166 Korset oppo 2166 adalah alat bantu yang menyangga tulang belakang dari toracal sampai tulang ekor, biasanya penggunanya adalah para lansia, akibat dari pengeroposan tulang belakang. Memposisikan agar tubuh yg bungkuk dapat kembali tegak.
Ukuran : Lingkar pinggang S = 58.4 - 71.1 cm M = 71.1 - 83.8 cm L = 83.8 - 96.5 cm XL = >97 cm
Kemenkes AKL 11402511581
Product Feature: - Two metal stays in back provide extra support to the spine. - Four pliable stays provide extra support and stability to the lumbar area. - Padded shoulder straps adjust and secure in front for easy application. - Crisscrossing abdominal straps require minimal strength to fasten and provide exceptional support. - Supports the lumbar and thoracic spine.
How to Wear: - Apply brace to the back and place the shoulder straps over the shoulder. - Be sure the two longer stays are positioned on each side of spine and secure the waist straps comfortably around the waist. - Pull the two side straps to adjust tightness then fasten. - Pull the two shoulder straps under armpits to the back and cross each other. - Then bring to the front and fasten securely.
Catatan : - Mohon pilih ukuran dengan benar -ukuran di detail produk di ambil dari box /keterangan dari produk oppo ( kurang lebih saja ) - ukuran /size bukan di ukur oleh penjual namun berdasarkan keterangan dari produk oppo,jadi kalau ada meleset dikit itu di luar tanggung jawab penjual