Everteen Everslim Effervescent Diet Lemon/Pomegrate Flavor Garcinia 4100mg 18 Tablets X 1 Bottle (18 Hari) (HANYA 1 BOTOL)Salah Satu DIKIRIM RANDOM
* Garcinia cambogia extract (Helps reduce body fat by inhibiting the synthesis of carbohydrates into fat.) * Daily HCA intake 750mg (HCA extracted from the tropical plant Garcinia cambogia) * Body activity & energy supplement: Contains niacin 13mg, pantothenic acid 4mg *Tasty and easy diet, fresh lemon-flavored foam type!
[How to take] Once a day, put 1 tablet in 160ml~200ml of water and drink deliciously after 1 minute. You can adjust the amount of water according to your preference.
[Recommended for these people.]
-Those with excessively high body fat levels -Those who are troubled with abdominal fat -Those with high carbohydrate intake -Those who want to diet in a healthy way -Those who want to diet efficiently with exercise -Those who want a slim body and a balanced body -Those who want to continuously manage their slim body -Those who are worried about not returning to their old body after childbirth -Those who want help to prevent the conversion of excess carbohydrates into fat
Everteen Diet Toc - Premium Diet Supplement 1000% Original. Product of Korea
Salah satu supplement diet terlaris di Korea! Setiap tablet mengandung Zat HCA yang berasal dr buah Garcinia Cambogia mampu mendorong pembakaran lemak, mengurangi nafsu makan, menggurangi Kalori yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, dan juga membantu memblokir enzim Liase Sitrat yang dapat menyebabkan terbentuknya jaringan lemak dlm tubuh.
Harga tertera untuk 1 Tabung isi 18 tablet
Terdapat 2 pilihan rasa menyegarkan: 1. Lemon (exp Mar 2024) 2. Pomegranate / Delima (exp Mar 2024)
Manfaat Diet Toc: 1. Membantu menjaga Berat Badan Ideal 2. Membantu Meningkatkan kadar HDL (kolestrol baik) dan menekan kadar kolestrol jahat (LDL) 3. Membantu mengurangi / memblokir kalori yang masuk ke dalam tubuh 4. Menjaga kesehatan pencernaan dan mengatasi masalah sembelit. 5. Menjaga kesehatan kulit, rambut dan mata. 6. Aman untuk dikonsumsi setiap hari 7. Sertifikat GMP
Bahan Premium pilihan ; Garcinia Cambogia Extract, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin D Vitamin B6
Cara Mengkonsumsi; - Cukup 1x Sehari - Larutan 1 buah Tablet kedalam Gelas berisi Air Putih sebanyak 120 ml - 150 ml - Baiknya diKonsumsi setelah Makan siang / Makan berat