konektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antenna
konektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antenna
Deskripsi singkat
Elektronik > Walkie Talkie > konektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antenna
Detail konektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antenna
adaptor / barel konektor BNC male to BNC male
Biasa digunakan untuk penghubung dari perangkat transceiver / radio seperti ICOM, YAESU yang menggunakan konektor BNC female ke kabel feeder antenna BNC female
Impedansi 50 ohm
Harga untuk 1 pcs konektor bnc male to bnc male
Untuk konektor tipe lain, bisa dilihat di etalase kami yang lain
Gambar produk
konektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antennakonektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antennakonektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antennakonektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antennakonektor bnc male to bnc male lurus i barel barrel bnc-m converter adaptor adapter connector straight sambungan antena antenna