Detail Kompor Kemah Outdoor Kompor Mawar Windproof Merk Kovar Thomgear Outdoor Gear Paiton Probolinggo
merk kovar
name windproof camping stove
size 145x145x120cm
weight 470g
gas exhaustion 100g/hr
power 2800w
gas butane
material copper stainles steel
the gas stove must be connected with the gas tand tightly without leaking.
use it in places where the air is circulated.
it is only used for cooking.
take care of the stove and the tank separately after using it.
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Kompor Kemah Outdoor Kompor Mawar Windproof Merk Kovar Thomgear Outdoor Gear Paiton Probolinggo
Kompor Kemah Outdoor Kompor Mawar Windproof Merk Kovar Thomgear Outdoor Gear Paiton Probolinggo
Kompor Kemah Outdoor Kompor Mawar Windproof Merk Kovar Thomgear Outdoor Gear Paiton Probolinggo