Knee Support Oppo 1021 Berfungsi : - Patella terbuka mengurangi tekanan pada patella - Eksklusif diperkuat patella stabiliser mencegah perpindahan - Bermanfaat untuk masalah pasca operasi lutut, strain dan arthritis.
UKURAN Measure around the mid-section of the knee, while in a standing position. S = 33.7-35.9cm (13 1/4-14 1/8"") M = 35.9-38.4cm (14 1/8-15 1/8"") L = 38.4-43.5cm (15 1/8-17 1/8"") XL = 43.5-51.1cm (17 1/8-20 1/8"") XXL = 51.1-56.2cm (20 1/8-22 1/8"")
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Knee Support Deker Oppo 1021Knee Support Deker Oppo 1021