Detail So Klin Liquid Softergent 750/800 ml (Top Load/Bukaan Atas)-Soft Sakura, White&Bright, Anti Bact
The perfect concentrate liquid detergent that is simple and effective for your washing experience. It is efficiently remove dirt and stains compare to normal detergents. The cleaning antigen is 50% more concentrated compare to others. The new Clean & Soft formulation giving you 2X extra cleaning power to removing stains and 2X extra soften clothes. Therefore with added Anti Bacterial formulation in So Klin Liquid, leaving no odour but only aromatic scent on your clothes. STAINS GONE, PERFECTLY CLEAN.
Detergent Cair + softener Dengan Busa Melimpah dan Wangi yang Harum yang Mampu Menghilangkan Noda pada Pakaian. Cocok untuk mesin cuci bukaan atas.
Varian: Soft Sakura White&Bright Anti Bacterial (Biru) Softergent Pink Perfume (Red) Violet Blossom (Ungu) Korean Camelia
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So Klin Liquid Softergent 750/800 ml (Top Load/Bukaan Atas)-Soft Sakura, White&Bright, Anti BactSo Klin Liquid Softergent 750/800 ml (Top Load/Bukaan Atas)-Soft Sakura, White&Bright, Anti Bact