This product is designed for PS4 Slim console,to cool it. It is with attractive appearance,easy to carry and use,and a must to the gamers.
User guide: 1.Connect the power cable correctly 2.Turn the switch to "TURBO" or "SLOW" 3.Start PS4 Slim console, it will begin to work when the temperature is over 40 . 4.This product stops to work when turn the switch to "OFF".
CATATAN : untuk batch keluaran yang sekarang, sablonan tulisan AUTO dan TURBO terbalik AUTO = TURBO (kipas akan muter terus, selama kipas tersambung dengan slot USB dan mesin PS4 nyala) TURBO = AUTO (kipas akan muter, jika suhu mesin mencapai 40 derajat, selama mesin suhu nya normal, kipas tidak akan berputar)