WAJIB TULIS / Must write : - untuk warna dan stiker yg ingin dibuatkan tlg ditulis di note(catatan) / for the color and sticker you want to make, please write in the note (note). - label yang diinginkan juga tolong ditulis di catatan / Also please write the desired label in the notes.
Note : untuk produk kostum nama usaha atau logo usaha minim pesanan 15 pcs klik sesuai orderan / choose according to the order needed. kami bisa mencoba desaign untuk perusahaan, hotel / we accept designs for companies, hotels.
Internasional : for costume products, business names or business logos, a minimum order of 15 pcs (pls send file or asking costumer servis)
More info : for free costumes, a maximum of 2 words according to the size of the bottle exam : Liem Shampoo, Liem Soap or other Liem & Ranny or anything you need Like company name / Hotel name ( Indo Pos) for costumes, the process does not take long normally 3-4 working days.
- proses sticker (label) khusus/po tak bisa melebihi ukuran botol ( max 2 kata) / sticker process (label) special/po cannot exceed the size of the bottle (max 2 word)
kami bisa mencoba desaign untuk perusahaan, hotel / we accept designs for companies, hotels.
Gambar produk
khusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po customkhusus po custom