Spesifikasi : The M-TECH Numeric Keypad USB - MTC-KEY-NMUS allows users to type numbers into spreadsheets and other applications quickly and easily. The full-size 19mm keys improve speed and accuracy by making it easier to locate and press the numbers you are looking for. The integrated ergonomic tilt provides added comfort which helps reduce strain after a long work day. M-TECH Numeric Keypad USB - MTC-KEY-NMUS is ideal for office or home use.
Features - Full sized keys are comfortable and large for increased accuracy; Great for those working on spreadsheets, accounting files or financial applications - USB port required; True plugandplay device, no drivers required - Ergonomic tilt provides support to help prevent wrist strain
Specifications Color Black Exterior Dimensions (fully expanded) 5.0" x 3.5" x 1.0" 12.7 x 8.9 x 2.5 cm Weight 6.88 oz / 195 g
Tidak perlu beli extra packing karena barang sudah di bungkus BUBBLE WRAP
GARANSI 3 HARI Cara klaim garansi : - Ajukan Komplain wajib sertakan VIDEO UNBOXING DAN VIDEO CHEKING - Pastikan barang masih tersegel pembelian dan masi ada masa garansi - SERTAKAN INVOICE TRANSAKSI / PEMBELIAN BARANG - klaim garansi bisa diklaim jika " Barang yang di pesan tdak sesuai dengan barang yang dibeli / barang Mengalami trouble - Klaim garansi HANYA PENUKARAN BARANG SAJA - Ongkos kirim akan dibebankan kepembeli untuk retur tukar barang - harap membaca sebelum membeli kesalahan pembelian product diluar procedur garansi
*Sebelum order harap tanya dulu ketersediaan stock *Garansi Tidak Akan DiKlaim Apabila Terbakar, Terkena Air, *Garansi Dianggap VOID/Tidak berlaku jika memberi Ulasan Bintang 1,2,3 (Tanpa Konfirmasi Kendalanya) * Order Sebelum Jam 16.00 Sore agar barang di kirim hari ini juga. * Grab/Gosend Senin-Sabtu jam 09.00 pagi - jam 15.30 sore
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Keyboard Numeric M-Tech Usb WiredKeyboard Numeric M-Tech Usb WiredKeyboard Numeric M-Tech Usb WiredKeyboard Numeric M-Tech Usb Wired