Detail Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design
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Material: Brief Card (BC) Paper
Tebal kertas 150/190/200/230gsm (sesuai permintaan)
A5 SQUARE: Ukuran 6"X6" (14X14cm)
A4 SQUARE: Ukuran 8"X8" (20X20cm)
A3 SQUARE: Ukuran 12"x12" (29x29cm)
Motif 1 sisi , sisi balikknya putih polos
Memudahkan anda membuat scrapbook, scrapframe, explosion box, kartu ucapan dan lain-lain.
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Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design
Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design
Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design
Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design
Kertas Scrapbook - Colors of Loves_FFH21 Design