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⚠️Diwajibkan untuk rekam video saat unboxing barang (TANPA DI PAUSE / CUT) agar terdapat bukti valid jika misal ada cacat fisik / kerusakan saat diterima.⚠️ Tanpa adanya video ini, maka garansi tukar tidak berlaku! Silahkan baca ketentuan, jam kerja serta kebijakan garansi MEMBELI = SUDAH MEMBACA & SETUJU
📛 Spesifikasi : ❇️ The keyboard foam is lined on the inside of the bottom of the mechanical keyboard case - below the PCB board, helping to absorb sound, giving a more compact sound, and minimizing reverberation. ❇️ For a firmer press feeling, especially with the keyboard using a linear switch ❇️ Specialized young rubber material in soundproofing and anti-vibration. SPECIAL: no smell of rubber ❇️ Foam is lined on the bottom of the case, separating the inside of the case from the PCB. ❇️ You can also use it to cut PCB foam, use 3mm thick type to fit the thickness of the gap between the plate and the PCB. ❇️ Foam has not pre-punched the position of screws, led balls (if any), so depending on the keyboard, please take the screwdriver head to self-punch according to your keyboard.