Detail Kapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-Putih
Kapas ini terbuat dari 100% bahan organik, tanpa bahan kimia yang berbahaya bagi tubuh. Bisa digunakan untuk kapas rokok elektrik, tidak menimbulkan bau apek dan menambah nikmat kegiatan vaping anda. Features 100% organic cotton Non peticide Non agricultural chemicals Benefit Using E-Cigarette Safe and Healthy Refilled natural e-liquid. No Carbon Monoxide, no tar and other harmful substances. The carcinogen levels in electronic cigarettes are up to 1,000 times lower than in tobacco cigarettes. Help to Quit Smoking According to the "Replacement Therapy" which recommended by the W.H.O and the smoking habits can be quit by long-trem smoking e-cigs because it's simulating the traditional cigarette. Everywhere and Anytime No second-hand smoke. Just release safe vapour without terrible smell. Have no bad efect to others. You can use electronic cigarette in public place like airport, cinema, club, etc. Save Money An e-cigarette cartridge is equal to one pack of tobacco cigarette. The same smoking experience, but save more when using electronic cigarettes. Merokok dapat menyebabkan kanker, serangan jantung, impotensi dan gangguan kehamilan dan janin. Mengunjungi ataupun membeli menyatakan sudah ber-umur 17 tahun. Dilarang untuk usia dibawah 17tahun. Seller / penjual tidak bertanggung jawab atas penggunaan barang yang dijual. Segala bentuk penyalahgunaan merupakan tanggung jawab pembeli. Semua produk elektronik (battery/charger) akan ditest sebelum dikirim (tidak termasuk atomizer ,cartridge,etc / non electrical goods)
spesifikasi: Material 100% Organic Cotton Dimensi 6 x 5 cm
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Kapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-PutihKapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-PutihKapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-PutihKapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-PutihKapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-PutihKapas Vape Muji Organik Authentic Japanese Cotton 10 Lembar-Putih