Detail Kaminomoto Super Strength Hair Serum Gold, 150ml
EXP : 2027
Country of origin Japan
Product Description
Fights hair loss and stimulates regrowth. The multiple prescription is effective for the root cause of the thinning and the loss of hair. For example, medicative ingredient "Hinokitiol" which is extracted from Hinoki tree (Japanese cypress) has the antiseptic power to prevent dandruff, itch and falling hair, and makes your hair healthy and stronger. Activates blood circulation and rejuvenates cells to restore proper scalp function for hair regrowth. Not sticky. Not oily. Smooth sensation.
------------------------- Sprinkle a generous amount of KAMINOMOTO onto your scalp. Gently Massage into twice. Use twice daily for best results. Apply more generously before bedtime as it works best with your scalp's natural nourishing and rejuvenating capaibilities during sleep.