Detail Kacamata Safety Protective Glasses Warna Putih
Safety Anti Virus 5M+ / Protective Glasses Kacamata Safety / Safety Goggles 100 % ASLI Polycarbonate terbuat dari material yang terbaik !
Bisa di adu dengan Kacamata Safety lain yang ada di market !
Fitur-fitur: - Dapat di pakai berulang kali sesudah di bersihkan dengan disinfektan / sabun. - Anti Virus (Virus tidak melekat pada barang tanpa pori-pori). - Anti debu,pasir,kerikil,percikan cairan dan Ultraviolet (UV). - Dapat di gunakan kacamata minus / plus secara bersamaan. - Sangat cocok di pakai untuk pekerjaan yang memerlukan Alat Perlindungan Diri. - Proteksi penuh. - Design yang sangat nyaman untuk dipakai. - Anti Pecah
Can compete with other safety glasses on the market!
Features: - Can be used repeatedly after cleaning with a disinfectant / soap. - Anti Virus (Virus does not stick to stuff without pores). - Anti dust, sand, gravel, liquid splash and Ultraviolet (UV). - Can be used with minus / plus glasses at the same time. - It is suitable for jobs that require personal protective equipment. - Full protection. - Very comfortable design to wear. - Anti Shatter
Spesifikasi Material : Polycarbonate Size : 16 x 6 x 14.5 CM Lightweight Full Protection Multifungsi
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Kacamata Safety Protective Glasses Warna PutihKacamata Safety Protective Glasses Warna PutihKacamata Safety Protective Glasses Warna PutihKacamata Safety Protective Glasses Warna Putih