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kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36

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Detail kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36

Video perkenalan produk kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36. Sumber: Shopee.

kabel mhl utk semua handphone baik itu Android maupun ios iphone input ke hdmi tv.

bisa utk handphone yg belum support mhl bisa pakai kabel ini.

untuk ke tv/lcd/projektor harus langsung input hdmi,ya jangan di convert vga.

untuk iphone/ipad power harus menggunakan kepala charger usb type A,jangan menggunakan adaptor usb type c.

panjang kabel 2 meter

kalau untuk android silakan download aplikasi mirroring.
kalau utk ios langsung tanpa download aplikasi apapun/plug n play

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kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36
kabel mhl mirascreen handphone ke tv android ios iphone ipad-usb type c,lightning to hdmi LD36