Detail Kabel Charger ESIA Data Cable V3 Mini G900 Kabel Casan USB MP3 Cable Data
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Kabel USB Kecil Kabel Data MP3/MP4 / Charger Esia.
Kabel Data untuk koneksi mp3 / mp4 atau sebagai Charger untuk Handphone dengan port SB
Kecil seperti Esia, Handphone keluaran China dan lain-lain. USB CABLE AMW 2725 VW-1 2.0 30V 28A WG/IPR AND 28A WG/2C TUNG AN
Before delivery, we will check our product first (check about the damage on the product). So, we are guarantee that our product really in good condition. If you want to complain, you must give a prove (video) from the start you open the package untill find out the damage on product. If you not give a prove then we will not accept your complain. Thank you.