JT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat Muka
JT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat Muka
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Perawatan & Kecantikan > Alat Perawatan Wajah > Alat Pelangsing & Pijat Wajah > JT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat Muka
Detail JT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat Muka
The jade facial roller is a Chinese skincare tool that has been used for thousands of years. Perfected throughout the centuries, this facial Massager was built to have a cooling, soothing effect on the skin.
BENEFITS Besides improving overall health and the radiance of the skin, jade rolling has a multitude of benefits.
- Improves blood circulation - Reduces puffiness and inflammation of the skin - Improves product absorption (use over facial masks/creams/serums) - Calms the appearance of your skin - Promotes lymphatic drainage - Relieves facial and jaw tension
FACIAL ROLLER FOREHEAD: work slowly from the center of forehead towards hairline. EYES: sweep across eyelids, gradually working your way to nuder eye area. NOSE: sweep from top of nose to the end of nostrils. CHEEKS: using the wider end, follow cheek contour to ears. JAWLINE AND NECK: work from the center of the chin outwards and upwards to the cheeks. sweep from under towards collarbone.
GUA SHA AROUND EYES: work from inside out. TEMPLE: work upwards. BACK: work downwards. LEGS: work upwards.
Gambar produk
JT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat MukaJT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat MukaJT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat MukaJT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat MukaJT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat MukaJT - Guasha Face Roller Tool Rose Quartz Jade Amethyst Batu Giok Asli Roller Jade Premium Real Natural Stone Facial Massage Pemijat Muka