Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise

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Detail Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise

- Small and tidy folded package stands upright to fit in small storage spaces
- Low profile frame brings you and baby closer together during mealtimes and snack times
- Open frame design for easy access to baby
- Oversized meal time tray with one-hand release makes eating and cleaning up a cinch
- Machine washable and non-skid full-size tray insert doubles as a placemat when child sits at table
- Extra snacktime tray keeps snacks contained and is dishwasher safe
- Tray stores on back of highchair keeping all pieces together, accessible and convenient
- Tray adjusts to three depths to accommodate children of all shapes and sizes
- Adjusts to fit quickly growing children with 3 tilt positions, 7 height adjustments and 3 footrest heights
- Removable, washable, soft infant insert
- Wipeable seat pad
- 2 large wheels glide easily from room to room
- SoftTouch, 5-point harness system keeps baby secure
Produk ini adalah produk dengan volume barang besar, kami setting 1 kg pada biaya ongkir hanya untuk transaksi. biasanya akan kami infokan biaya pengiriman dengan ekspedisi / kurir secara terpisah

Untuk lokasi jakarta bisa KONSULTASIKAN dengan kami terlebih dahulu untuk biaya kirim menggunakan Kurir toko/gojek/gocar sebelom order karena tergantung besarnya barang dan lokasi pengiriman

untuk lokasi luar kota/pulau kami bisa coba carikan biaya ongkir termurah melalui darat dan juga laut

(Terkadang ongkir di setting melebihi 1 kg mungkin karena customer sebelomnya order dan belom di ganti kembali ke 1 kg jadi bisa langsung KONSULTASI KE KAMI ya kalau bingung langsung tanya aja kalo kirim ke kota X kena berapa nanti kami bantu

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Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise
Joie Mimzy 2 in 1 Highchair - Tropical Paradise

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