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Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free

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Detail Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free

Berat 100g botol/kemasan

This product is made of high-quality fresh shrimp eggs from Bohai Bay, which is the producing area of high-quality rich year shrimp eggs. It is the dried body product of rich year shrimp eggs and has not been hatched. It contains complete nutrients and can be fed directly without incubation management. The shelled eggs have higher energy and nutritional value than the living abundant shrimp, because the energy consumption of the eggs is low during the dormancy period, and the lipids, amino acids and various enzymes are not moved. Because there is no hatching process, there is no digestion and loss of egg nutrients. It is rich in natural protein, unsaturated fatty acids and carotene, which is helpful to the growth, color and immunity of juvenile fish. The size of shelled shrimp eggs is more convenient for young fish and small fish to eat directly.

Feeding points:
Soak in normal temperature water for more than 10 minutes to make the eggs absorb water completely, so as to avoid swelling fish after sucking. Do not feed too much at one time. The eggs sink into the bottom of the pool, which is easy to cause waste. The shelled eggs lack of levitation. They can be stirred properly or blown up with an air pump, so they are easy to prey.

Applicable objects:
Small tropical fish, sea fish and various young fish provide DHA needed by sea fish

Protein ≥ 73.8%
Fat ≥ 9.9%
water ≤ 6%
provides DHA and other nutrients needed by marine fish
Shelf life: 18 months
Storage method: store in a cool and dry place

Cara menggunakannya yaitu:
1. Ambil dengan sendok teh secukupnya dan tuangkan pada wadah gelas kecil.
2. Campurkan air kurleb 150-200 ml. Tunggu 5 menit sambil diaduk perlahan.
3. Artemia free shell siap digunakan sedikit demi sedikit menggunakan sendok kecil.
4. Berikan kepada burayak ikan atau ikan remaja/dewasa.

Gambar produk

Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free
Jiebao Artemia 100g Botol/Kemasan Brine Shrimp Egg Shell Free