Detail Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)
Nature concept selalu berusaha memberikan produk yang baru, unik dan menyehatkan untuk anda. Nikmati Jujube dates+walnut, hanya ada di Nature Concept.
Jenis Jujube Dates dari Xinjiang yang diproses tanpa biji, lalu dipadu dengan Walnut Xin Jiang yang sudah dikupas tanpa kulit. Jadi anda bisa menikmati 2 jenis camilan sehat dalam 1 gigitan.
Dipacking vakum satuan, sangat higienis, mudah dibawa ke mana-mana dan bisa dinikmati bersama-sama dan di mana saja. Cocok untuk anak kecil, orang dewasa, orang tua sebagai camilan sehat, breakfast, camilan diet, camilan saat lembur kerja, dll.
Harga : satuan, individual packaging
Limited Stock untuk selalu menjamin kualitas barang selalu produksi terbaru.
Enjoy your delicious snack !
Health benefits of Chinese red dates - Tonify Blood Chinese dates can strengthen the Spleen and Stomach Qi (energy) which helps to digest food, tonify blood and calm the mind. - Improve insomnia Chinese red dates can help people who have insomnia from lack of Qi and Blood. Chinese medicine considers Qi and blood deficiency one of the major causes of insomnia. This is due to the blood being unable to moisturise the Liver and Heart, causing a Ying and Yang disorder. - Help protect the Liver, reduce cholesterol and prevent cancer Chinese red dates contain high levels of Vitamin C, as well as having the function of protecting the Liver. They also help reduce cholesterol and increase the body’s immune system, and may help reduce the risk of cancer.
13 science-based health benefits of walnuts: 1. Rich in Antioxidants 2. Super Plant Source of Omega-3s 3. May Decrease Inflammation 4. Promotes a Healthy Gut 5. May Reduce Risk of Some Cancers 6. Supports Weight Control 7. May Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes and Lower Your Risk 8. May Help Lower Blood Pressure 9. Supports Healthy Aging 10. Supports Good Brain Function 11. Supports Male Reproductive Health 12. Improves Blood Fats 13. Widely Available and Easy to Add to Your Diet
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Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)Xin Jiang Jujube Chinese Dates with Walnut 2 in 1 Snack Sehat (SATUAN)