Detail Jays All Purpose Seasoning 90gr Bumbu Siap Pakai Jay's
JAYS KITCHEN All Purpose Seasoning 90gr - Jay's Kitchen Bumbu Penyedap Segala Masakan
All Purpose Seasoning is a unique blend of Spices , Herbs , and Salt
That enchances the flavor of savory foods.
- Natural, Free MSG and Flavouring.
- Excelent replacement for salt and pepper
- Rub over chicken or steaks and drizzle with olive before grilling.
Jenis : Bumbu Penyedap Rasa Serbaguna.
Kategori : Bumbu Instant
Isi : 90 Gram
Kemasan : Botol
Komposisi : Mustard . Bawang Bombai . Bawang Putih . Paprika . Garam . Ketumbar . Lada Hitam
Gambar produk
Jays All Purpose Seasoning 90gr Bumbu Siap Pakai Jay's