Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented

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Detail Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented

Video perkenalan produk Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented. Sumber: Shopee.

Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Stick High Pigmented Long-Lasting Waterproof Sweatproof๐Ÿ’‹
Kode: IR04

๐ŸŒธ This high pigmented Eyeshadow stick deliver a shimmer finish for your eyes, creating naturally pretty Korean girl group style makeup eyes.
๐ŸŒธ Long-lasting formula eyeshadow pencil can provide hours of waterproof, fade-proof color. Let your eye makeup still shine from morning to night.
๐ŸŒธ Smooth stroke that is not easy to break and easily glides your skin for even application. Available in two colors, #01 diamond & #02 champagne.

๐Ÿ“Œ Cara Penggunaan :
๐Ÿ“Aplikasikan pada area kelopak mata sesuai dengan yang diinginkan, bisa di gunakan untuk bagian bawah mata

๐Ÿ“Œ Package Details
Net Weight : 0.25g/ 0.01oz

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Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented
Ireneda Eyeshadow Stick Shimmer Creamy Eyeshadow Ireneda Eyeshadow Pencil Glitter Eyeshadow High Pigmented