Detail Iphone 7 /7+ / 7 Plus MATTE BLACK / NAVY BLUE Ultrathin Soft Silicone Premium Slim Case
Iphone 7 / 7S - 7 PLUS/ 7S PLUS - 8 / 8+ MATTE BLACK / NAVY BLUE Soft Silicone Premium Slim Case. "Kualitas TERJAMIN dan Harga BERSAHABAT. Biarkan 5 Bintang yg Berbicara!!
Colour : Matte Black / Matte Navy Blue ( keterangan warna harus di cantumkan di kolom keterangan, atau dikirim random)
Features : - Matte Premium Design With Precise Apple Cut Logo ( Cutting Logo apple sangat presisi) - Premium Soft Silicone Material with Matte Finish - Anti Fingerprint - Anti Dust (ada penutup lubang headphone / charger agar debu tidak masuk) - Camera lens Protection ( ada lesa protector agar lensa tidak pecah / baret jika jatuh)