Detail Infrared fisioterapi XinFeng TDP CQ 400 Satu Set Lengkap
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Xinfeng brand infrared heated lamp 400
TDP Heat Lamp may be used for the temporary relisf of minor muscle and joint pain and stiffness, the temporary relisf of minor joint pain associated with arthritis, the temporary in local blood circulation where applied, and relaxation of muscles. Stable quality Good quality, Complete specification. in addition, the Lamp mey also help muscles spasms, minor sprains and strains, and minor muscular back pain. it can be widely used in clinic, and home health.
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Infrared fisioterapi XinFeng TDP CQ 400 Satu Set LengkapInfrared fisioterapi XinFeng TDP CQ 400 Satu Set LengkapInfrared fisioterapi XinFeng TDP CQ 400 Satu Set Lengkap