Detail Induction Wood Moisture Meter Benetech GM630 Induksi MC Tester
- Original Benetech (bukan non brand atau replika palsu)
=== Pengukur kadar air pada kayu dengan teknologi induksi, tanpa perlu menusuk kayu. Cara pakai alat cukup ditempelkan diatas kayu yg akan diukur. Bisa mengukur sampai kedalaman 5 centimeter ( 50 mm).
=== Moisture measurement range: 0.5 - 79.5% Temperature measurement range: 0-50c/32-122 f Measurement error/moisture value:1.5 Temperature value:2c/3.6f Wood density range:0.27- 1.05g/cm3 Detection depth:0-50mm
Introduction This instrument is an induction humidometer which can measure moisture content by putting it on the wood surface closely without damaging the wood surface. You can choose different gears (8 in total) to measure according to the wood density. Measurement range is suitable for most kinds of wood.
Features Wood moisture measurement Moisture limit value setting Wood density selection Temperature measurement and temperature unit conversion Backlight control function Data hold function Battery level indication Auto power-off function
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Induction Wood Moisture Meter Benetech GM630 Induksi MC TesterInduction Wood Moisture Meter Benetech GM630 Induksi MC TesterInduction Wood Moisture Meter Benetech GM630 Induksi MC Tester