INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)

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Detail INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)

INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)

Independent Genuine Parts Suspension Cushions feature ultra-high rebound urethane formula for high performance and less break in time. Designed to fit Independent trucks as well as most other brands including Venture and Thunder*.
Available in cylinder in 78a, 88a, 90a, 92a, 94a, and 96a and conical in 88a, 90a, and 92a.
Box of 4 sets including washers.
Hardware Size (88a) / Hardware Type hw_type Cushions Soft.
*Venture Trucks is a trademark of Ermico, Inc.; Thunder Trucks is a trademark of SF Deluxe Productions, Inc.

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INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)
INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)
INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)
INDEPENDENT Genuine Parts Standard Cylinder Cushions Soft 88A Red Skateboard (Bushings)