Detail Implora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip Longlasting
Implora Jelly Tint Memperkenalkan Implora Jelly Tint 3x lebih efektif untuk bibir halus, glossy, dan bervolume Dengan kandungan vitamin E, peptides, serta omega 3,6,9 yang membantu mengurangi garis halus pada bibir, membuat bibir lebih bervolume, dan melembabkan bibir Transferproof, tahan lama, kissproof.
Tersedia dalam 9 warna : 01. mariposa 02. savvy red 03. true vintage 04. rosy posy 05. dream peach 06. flamingo 07. sangria 08. burnt orange 09. rosewood
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Implora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip LonglastingImplora Jelly Tint Liptint / Kissproof Transproof Moisturizing with Vit E Omega / Glossy Lip Longlasting