Detail ILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/Brush
Powder puff and Make up Brush 1. Shape specially designed 360 ⷪ , no dead angle makeup, hydrophilic polyurethane, get larger when soaking water, soft texture, Q elastic, wet and dry use 2. Matching brush can use loose powder, blush, powder cake, etc.
Directions : 1. For keeping moist: dip puff with water, take out after completely swelling, pinch until the product doesn't drop water. Then can match with related products. Suggest to match with BB cream, CC cream, sun screen, concealer, liquid foundation, powder cream. 2. For glomming, available for matching with flusher, loose powder, powder puff, powder cake, help to decorate makeups.
Note: Karena tampilan dan efek pencahayaan yang berbeda, warna produk yang sebenarnya mungkin sedikit berbeda dari warna yang ditunjukan pada gambar. Ini tidak dapat dihindari, mohon dimaklumi.
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ILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/BrushILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/BrushILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/BrushILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/BrushILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/BrushILAHUI Powder Puff and Make up Brush/Make up spoge/Make up puff/Brush