WAJIB DIPERHATIKAN, - Barang TIDAK Bergaransi - Sebelum dikirim barang akan kami cek fisik dan test fungsi terlebih dahulu - Barang kami kirim kondisi normal
Spesifikasi Frekuensi : 136-174MHz IP67 Waterproof and Dust-tight Protection 800mW Clear Companded Audio with Large 36mm Speaker 5.5W/4.0W (VHF/UHF) of Output Power 10.5 Hours of Operating Time with Supplied Waterproof Battery 128 Memory Channels 8 Character Alphanumeric Display Built-in CTCSS and DTCS encoder/decoder 8 DTMF Autodial Memories
Type of emission : 16K0F3E, 11K0F3E (25/12.5kHz) Number of channels : 128 channels Antenna impedance : 50 Power supply requirement : 7.5V DC Operating temperature range : 30C to +60C (Radio only) Frequency stability : 2.5ppm