Detail ICE Contact Lens Care Solution 60ml Cairan Softlens ICE 60ml Air Pencuci Softlens
Unique protein antidepositive solution for all types of hydrophilic contact lenses (including the new generation of silicone hydrogel lenses).
Indicated for cleaning, disinfection, washing, conservation and hydration.
1. Before handling the lens, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
2. Remove the lens from the eye, place it on the palm of the hand with a few drops and rub both sides for a few seconds.
3. Rinse both sides of the lens for at least 5 seconds.
4. Place each lens in the corresponding compartment and fill the lens case until the lens is completely covered. Close the case and shake it for a few seconds.
5. Keep the lenses immersed in the solution for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to ensure complete disinfection.
6. After completing the process, place the lens directly on the eye or rinse it beforehand if desired.
7. Rinse the lens case and allow it to air dry.
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ICE Contact Lens Care Solution 60ml Cairan Softlens ICE 60ml Air Pencuci SoftlensICE Contact Lens Care Solution 60ml Cairan Softlens ICE 60ml Air Pencuci SoftlensICE Contact Lens Care Solution 60ml Cairan Softlens ICE 60ml Air Pencuci SoftlensICE Contact Lens Care Solution 60ml Cairan Softlens ICE 60ml Air Pencuci Softlens