Video perkenalan produk 🇰🇷HUONS Original KOREA (5 Ampoule) Flex Hyperpigmentation Whitening Ampoule. Sumber: Shopee.
Satu Satunya Original HUONS di INDONESIA!!
Cara pakai dioles harian/dipakai dengan alat portable spt dermapen,galvanic spa, roller dan alat non injeksi.
5 AMPOULE (2ML) : 275.000 Harga untuk 5 vial. isi @2 ml.
Daily Ascorbic IMPORT KOREA merek HUONS Depigmenting & Whitening Solution (flek dan memutihkan)
- 1 vial bisa 1- 4x pakai
Kandungan: -Vit B3 -Ascorbic Acid -Arbutin -Gycyrrhiza Glabra Root Extract -1.2-Hexanediol -Hydrolized Hyaluronic Acid FAQs: -untuk harga per box 1.750.000 isi 50 vial -Negara Asal: Import Korea -Fungsi: Mengurangi Flek (melasma), hyperpgimentasi serta memutihkan kulit wajah -Compatible with Microdermabrasion, Mesotherapy, Dermaroller, Derma Stamp, Automatic Needle. etc. -For Medical / Professional use and home care / use pemakaian sehari hari di rumah. -FDA APPROVED
This is an incredible intensive natural skin treatment with immediate results & no side effects. L-Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) is a water-soluble vitamin. You can use it either externally to apply it on the skin, with a derma roller as skin treatment.
Targets skin discoloration, freckles, pigmentation, age spots and sun damage by effectively inhibiting melanin production, hence retaining skin translucency and radiance.Brightening, rejuvenate, lighten acne/pimples marks/scarsAims in producing Collagen, which is connective tissue of our skin, bone, ligament, tendons, joints and organ support.Suppresse formation of ‘Melanin’ contributing to dark spot after long exposure to UVA/UVB.Reduce our facial and skin fine lines or wrinkles. This is because it aims in producing the collagen, which is important to make our skin firm and provides elasticity.Reduce the appearance of pimples/acne/blemishes and minimised pores. Improves the skin smooth texture.
How to use:Â Cuci Muka yg bersih. Lalu lap wajah l, dan pastikan kering (tidak ada air tersisa). Lalu Gunakan Ampoule merata di seluruh wajah. BISA DIPAKAI OLES SAJA TANPA ALAT!!
Matikan lampu, dan setelah 30 menit bilas dengan air (tanpa sabun). Gunakan masker wajah (better sheetmask (Setelah wajah bersih dibilas dengan air). Setelah menggunakan ampoule, hindari please avoid cahaya terang apapun dan sinar matahari. Di rekomendasikan digunakan pada malam hari.
Preservation and storage:Â Simpan di tempat yg gelap di dalam kotak tertutup tanpa cahaya
Note:Â The ampoule must be used in the dark. Also, its Vitamin C oxidises when contacted with water and will lose its effect. Hence, please remember to wipe your face clean of water.
It is extremely safe to use it with derma roller treatment.
ORIGINAL! 2ml of 500mg vit c exp 11.2028
GOOD QUALITY VITAMIN C - dipakai sebagai masker (dibilas stlh 20menit) - dipakai sbg campuran masker - dipakai dengan dermaroller - dipakai dgn dermapen
lebih bagus dari vit c regular yg beredar seperti neutroskin/white c/rodotex.
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