Detail hp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantor
Video perkenalan produk hp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantor. Sumber: Shopee.
handphone hpmurah hp 4G/5G Gratis Casing hp Headphone Gratis Gratis Charger Gratis Anti Gores Layar Pelidung Gratis Kabel USB
Deskripsi 1. Model: GaIaxy note30 2. Platform: MTK6889 3. Siaga: kartu ganda siaga ganda (satu slot mendukung kartu SIM, slot lainnya mendukung kartu SIM atau kartu TF) 4. Layar: 6,53 HD + tampilan titik embun 1440 * 3040 5. Pembicara: 1511 kotak speaker 6. Frekuensi: GSM850 / 900/1800 / 1900MHz, 3G: WCDMA850 / 1900 / 2100MHz, 4G LTE, 5G 7. Getaran: Dukungan 8. Warna: blackblue / 0range / violet 9. Memori: RAM 6 GB + ROM 128 GB 10. Multimedia: Radio MP3 / MP4 / 3GP / FM / Bluetooth 11. Kamera: 14MP + 24MP 12. Multi-fungsi: layar penuh, buka kunci sidik jari, pengenalan wajah, kartu SIM ganda, Wifi, GPS, sensor gravitasi, alarm, kalender, kalkulator, perekam suara, perekam video, WAP / MMS / GPR, penampil gambar, e-book , jam dunia, IML sampul belakang flash setelah kartu tugas 13. Bahasa: dukungan multi-bahasa 14. Lainnya: Sistem Android OS 10.0 15. Baterai: baterai lithium ion 4800Mah 16. Kemasan ultra-terintegrasi meliputi:
Mengemas hadiah: Telepon x1 Casing telepon x1 Headphone x1 Pengisi daya X1 Kabel pengisi daya X1
Q: What is a stock? Answer: Yes. It is available.
Q: When can I get the goods? A: We will ship the order within 24 hours after receiving the order. It may arrive in about 3-5 days.
Q: Does it support COD? A: Yes, we support cash transfer.
Q: Is this the real price? A: Yes, this is the final price. You can also request replacement credentials
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hp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantorhp handphone murah hp gaming galaxy note 30 [COD+Baru+5g+Pengiriman lokal] handphone murah Android 10.0 Ponsel cerdas Layar HD RAM 6GB ROM 128GB 6,1 inci TIKTOK SIM Ganda Pintar dan Siaga Ganda ponsel layar penuh Kebutuhan hiburan kantor