Detail Hoodie Yet to Come Embroidery BTS Blue Song Kpop Idol Korean Aesthetic Premium Unisex
NOTE : Semua Produk kita bisa untuk Cewe Cowo ( size Unisex ) Bahan : COTTON FLEECE PREMIUM QUALITY, ADEM & NYAMAN di pakai
Lebar = ketiak kiri ke ketiak kanan Panjang = bahu leher sampe ke ujung karet jaket
Lebar x panjang ( dalam satuan cm )
Size M = 59 x 68 Size L = 61 x 70 Size XL = 63 x 72 Size XXL = 65 x 74 ( tambah harga 25k)
Gambar produk
Hoodie Yet to Come Embroidery BTS Blue Song Kpop Idol Korean Aesthetic Premium UnisexHoodie Yet to Come Embroidery BTS Blue Song Kpop Idol Korean Aesthetic Premium Unisex