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[Hoodie Berbahan Cotton Fleece sangat lembut, hangat, dan tidak panas. Sangat nyaman digunakan untuk sehari-hari. Kualitas kita jamin sangat memuaskan] * Best Seller * Full Label & Washing Tag * Unisex (Dapat digunakan oleh Pria dan Wanita)
Size Asia :(Ukuran Estimasi) M : 52x67 L : 55x 69 XL : 57X 71
Hoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*MHoodie Hope And Trust H*M