Detail Holbein Artists' Gouache Set - Set of 12, 15 ml tubes
As with their watercolours, Holbein have produced a gouache of exceptional quality. They grind their gouache more finely than others, adding little or no opaque agents to their colour.
The pigments used have been chosen for exceptional saturation and the ability to mix freely without loss of brilliance, opacity or hue values. The colours will give consistent results without darkening or muddiness, they will not bleed or crack and offer complete opacity when layered.
Includes Burnt Sienna, Carmine, Flame Red, Ivory Black, Lemon Yellow, Permanent Green Deep, Permanent Green Light, Permanent White, Permanent Yellow Deep, Turquoise Blue, Ultramarine Deep, Violet.
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Holbein Artists' Gouache Set - Set of 12, 15 ml tubes