Berat bersih: 35 gram. Pakan untuk terumbu karang. Berupa bubuk dan penggunaannya dicampur dengan air.
Ideal untuk Soft Coral seperti Horny Coral dan Feather Dusters yang memiliki mulut cenderung kecil.
Features: Coralific Delite is a revolutionary diet, specifically developed for corals and their unique nutritional needs, offering two modes of feeding. which allows the coral polyps to capture the food in the water column like they would zooplankton. Contains necessary nutrients inverts require, specifically; trace elements, proteins, vitamins and astaxanthin for vibrant coloration. Physical properties that are similar to floating zooplankton. Unlike other powder-type foods, Coralific Delite will not dissolve rapidly or cloud your aquarium water.
Gambar produk
Hikari marine Coralific Delite pakan untuk terumbu karang /pakan coralHikari marine Coralific Delite pakan untuk terumbu karang /pakan coralHikari marine Coralific Delite pakan untuk terumbu karang /pakan coral