Detail High Power 420W Mono Digital Amplifier Board HiFi Audio Module ( 257 )
Amplifier Chip : TDA 8954TH Input voltage : Dual AC 24V +/- 4V Input current : > 5A & 300VA Input impedance : 1Kohm Input signal : 1,8V Number of channels : Mono Magnification : 33 Output power : 420W Output impedance : 4-8 ohm Working type : AD class Size : 11 x 10,2 x 3 cm Weight : 245gr
Note : 1. The product must be used to supply dual-output torodial transformer, the output is 3wires. DC power supply can not be used. Transformer output to 24V 200W above, the maximum voltage can not exceed 28V, otherwise it may damage the board.
2. Audio input can be 3 lines or 2 lines, but in the middle of the ground must be connected.
3. The output of the speaker as large as possible, the recommended 8 ohms, also can used 4 ohms.
4. This section is a purely post-class, plus the tone board is better, but after adding tone board, the tone board power and power amplifier board power must to seperate, can not be shared, otherwise there will be noise!!
Silahkan menanyakan ketersediaan barang terlebih dahulu. Barang sebelum dikirimkan akan kami cek dan pastikan berfungsi, pastikan anda memasang sesuai dengan arusnya dan cara pemasangannya, jika terjadi salah pasang dan mengakibatkan barang rusak ( meledak, gosong, kebakaran) karena kesalahan pemasangan bukan tanggung jawab toko.
Begitu pula jika terjadi kerusakan pada saat pengiriman barang ( ada potensio, IC, dll yang copot) bukan menjadi tanggung jawab penjual karena kami sudah pastikan barang bagus dan dipacking dengan aman (dos dan bubble wrap tidak dikenakan biaya lagi)
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High Power 420W Mono Digital Amplifier Board HiFi Audio Module ( 257 )High Power 420W Mono Digital Amplifier Board HiFi Audio Module ( 257 )High Power 420W Mono Digital Amplifier Board HiFi Audio Module ( 257 )