Video perkenalan produk HENGJIA Panas 50pcs/bag 5cm Umpan Soft Cacing Softworm Pancing Lifelike Lunak Locust Fishing Lure. Sumber: Shopee.
Feather(English): 1. Soft bait is 5cm/1.0g (single) 2. It is suitable for salt and freshwater fishing. 3. Its actions are falling 4. A hook can pass through the entire soft bait 5. Super elastic software makes it more flexible 6. Simulate the locust epidermis: the surface has a threaded simulation of the locust epidermis, with its own special taste to attract the fish
Fitur(Bahasa indonesia): 1. frekuensi tinggi ekor mengejutkan 2. Super lunak untuk aksi berenang super 3. The lure body menggunakan bahan perlindungan lingkungan canggih, tidak menghasilkan zat berbahaya bagi lingkungan 4. Sangat terlihat dengan aksi renang yang sangat baik, umpan favorit bagi banyak predator, termasuk bass, lele, cumi-cumi
Merek: hengjia Nama produk: SO033 Panjang: 5.0cm/1pcs Berat: 0.6g/1pcs Berat paket:50g Bahan: soft bait Warna: 10 warna seperti gambar zhe