Fungsi helm sepeda anak adalah untuk keamanan dan kenyamanan putera/puteri anda. Helm ini memenuhi EN1078 The European Cycling Standard
Sorotan Produk Comply w EN1078 The European Cycling Standard Size S/M 52-56cm
Pacific SP-J111 S/M 52-56cm Kids Bike Helmet Comply w EN1078 The European Cycling Standard
Spesifikasi Produk Safety & Comfort Adjustment System: Side Strap Buckles & Chin Strap Buckle Auto-dialer to adjust the size to the most comfortable one Comply with EN1078 The European Cycling Standard
Detail Produk Usia Anak Size S/M 52-46cm Jender Target: Unisex This helmet should not be used by children who climb or practice other acticities which imply a risk to the child of falling or of remaining hanging when the child is trapped by the helmet
Identitas Produk Merek Pacific, Nama Model SP-J111 dan J112 Ukuran S/M 52-56cm Jenis Produk Helm Sepeda Anak, Kategori Produk Kids Bike Helmet
Helm Sepeda Anak Pacific SP-J111 dan J112 S/M 52-56cm Comply w EN1078 The European Cycling Standard
Gambar produk
Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111Helm Sepeda Anak Merk Pacific SP-J111