Detail Helm Proyek Delta Plus Venitex / Safety Helmet Deltaplus
Speksifikasi: Brand: Delta plus Diamond (Produk Impor) Suspension: Premium Staz On Baseball Cap design Inner yang dapat disesuaikan terhadap bentuk kepala Warna Fluorescent dengan strip metalik untuk visibilitas Dapat digunakan terbalik (TESTED) Posisi Visor ke belakang kepala Curved Visor memberikan penglihatan lebih pada posisi vertikal
Tahan Panas, Tahan Benturan, Tahan Listrik (Baca aturan pengunaan sebelum terhadap masing2 resistensi keselamatan kerja)
Standar Keamanan : PPE DIRECTIVE 89/686/EEC EN397:2012 + A1:2012 Protective helmets for industry MM Molten metal spray LD Lateral deformation -30C +50C Very low temperature - -30C / +50C 440 VAC Electric insulation EN50365:2002 Electrically insulating helmets for use on low voltage installations CLASS 0 Casques lectriquement isolants - Classe 0
ABS safety helmet. Innovative baseball cap shape to improve vision when looking up. Also tested for front back wearing, to reduce encumbrance. Textile cradle: 3 textile straps with 8 fixing points. Foam sweat band. Innovative button adjustment colour to colour for head sizes 53/63 cm. 2 possible positions of the headband (top/low) for a better comfort. Electrical insulation up to 1 000 V.A.C. or 1 500 V.D.C. Performance -30C and standard EN397:2012 effective from 03/2016 production batches.
Gambar produk
Helm Proyek Delta Plus Venitex / Safety Helmet Deltaplus