After placing an order, we will deliver it within 48 hours.
If there is a problem after receiving the product, the customer can send a message to the store, if the customer gives 1 star without knowing the reason, the after-sales service will be responsible for the whole process, and the store will ask for a suspension of sales and warranty.
The store cannot change the address for customers. Please cancel the order and press buy again. thanks
Type : Key Puller
Item : Keycaps puller
Material : Steel wire
Features : Key switch puller, keycaps puller
Application1 : For mechanical keyboard as Filco / Ducky / Nopoo / CM Storm
Application2 : For Filco / Ducky / Nopoo / CM Storm
Our products are 100% safe against Coronavirus (Covid-19). After purchase, each box will be exposed to sunlight for 4 hours. We then opened the product packaging and sprayed a disinfectant containing glutaraldehyde. (Advanced disinfectant) We make sure our products are safe under direct sunlight until the afternoon.