Detail Heating Magnetic Belt Atasi sakit pinggang saraf kejepit ORIGINAL
Sabuk Terapi Pemanas / Kehangatan pada Pinggang / Punggung. Sabuk magnet Terapi. Sabuk ini menghasilkan hawa Panas / Hangat dari titik titik magnetik yg ada didalam sabuk. Sabuk dapat ditempatkan / disesuaikan pada tempat yang diinginkan.
Magnets help increase Relieve lower back pain by reducing pressure. Neoprene back panel for warmth and compression. Vented and breathable elastic side panels. Adjustable and comfortable. Supports along the spine to provide stability for those suffering from lower back pain. The strategically placed magnets help with pain relief. Professionally designed Double Pull braces can be adjusted. to the desired level of both comfort and support using the high quality fasteners. Size:one size Stretched range:109cm -- 133cm Approx waist (40-44 inches) or (102-112 cm)