Detail headset i7s model tws handsfree bluetooth hbq i7 tws twins earphone wireless
Headset Bluetooth TWS i7s ini bisa digunakan baik di Android, iPhone, Tablet, maupun MP3 dan MP4 (yang support Bluetooth) Trendy serta fashion.
Telepon : Suara hanya satu sisi (one side) Music : Suara double kiri & kanan (both side)
Untuk stabil jauhi perangkat WIFI maupun perangkat Bluetooth lainnya.
Spesifikasi : -Twins, True Wireless Stereo (TWS) -Chipset : CSR from UK -Earbud Battery Capacity : 64mAh rechargeable Li-ion Battery -Charging Dock Batery : 950mAh (optional) -Talk / Play Time : Single Earbud Mode 5-6 hours / Double Earbud Mode 4-5 hours. -Standy Time : Single Earbud Mode 100 hours / Double Earbud Mode 60 hours. -Support one match two, connect 2 device -Adopt the advanced CVC 6.0 active Noise Canceling -Build-in superior HD micophone, Provide clear and loud sound -Bluetooth Version : v4.2 + EDR (both sides), ultra low comsumption. -Bluetooth Mode : A2DP1.3 / HFP1.6 / HSP1.2 / AVRCP1.6 / D11.3 -Bluetooh Frequency : 2.4GHz -Bluetooth Range : 12 meters tanpa penghalang
Cara Pairing : -Buka Settingan Bluetooth diperangkat anda. -Kedua Headset dinyalakan, ditahan power ON sampai nyala dan lampu biru merah kedip2 di kedua headset (sedang mencari perangkat untuk dipairing) -Jika dibagian Bluetooth sudah ada device dengan nama "tws-i7", langsung ditekan. -Jika sudah berhasil, lampu kedua headset akan hilang. -Berhasil.
Cara Pengisian (ada 2 cara) : -Headset dimasukan ke dock, dan dock dicas pakai kabel
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headset i7s model tws handsfree bluetooth hbq i7 tws twins earphone wirelessheadset i7s model tws handsfree bluetooth hbq i7 tws twins earphone wirelessheadset i7s model tws handsfree bluetooth hbq i7 tws twins earphone wirelessheadset i7s model tws handsfree bluetooth hbq i7 tws twins earphone wireless