Detail Headset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bass
Ready Stock.. Untuk smua hp android dan iphone
ISI : HF Bluetooth Kabel charge
Bluetooth Version V4.0 Talk Time 5 Hour Standby Time 80 Hour Operating Range 10 meter Microphone Yes Radio N/A Supports Music Format MP3 Compatible With Cellphones or tablets with bluetooth
Info : demi keawetan HF Bluetooth, mohon chas maks 1-2jam saja.. tidak lebih apalagi dari malam sampai pagi.. untuk brand dikirim sesuai pilihan variasi Cara penggunaanya : di tekan lama sampai lampu nyala dan sambungkan bluetooth ke hp . Jangan lupa atur volume.
happy shopping ❤️
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Headset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bassHeadset hansfree earphone bluetooth mono super big bass