Detail headset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with mic
Headset Handsfree JBL PM-02 WarWars Stereo Hi-Res Super Bass With Mic Keluaran terbaru dr JBL Kualitas bagus. Suara halus, Bass Oke dan Garing Kriuk.
Dijamin ga nyesel deh. Ada mic nya juga buat telp.
Silakan order :) Barang terbatas. Kualitas boleh di adu :) MURAH.
Tersedia warna HITAM
Garansi 1 Minggu. Ongkir ditanggung pembeli
Gambar produk
headset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with micheadset handfree jbl pm-02 warwars stereo hi-res super bass with mic